Tuesday, June 9, 2020

What New Smokers Need To Know About Glass Smoking Pipes

For people who are new to smoking, glass smoking pipes are certainly the easiest and safest method. These pipes offer optimum smoking experiences for people who have shallower breathing patterns, which is quite common for newbies. Also, it is easier to adjust the period of your inhaling and exhaling methods with these pipes. Overall, the experience of smoking with glass and water pipes is much more relaxed. There are also several health-related reasons why experts recommend these pipes to new smokers. Here are some aspects of glass pipes that new smokers need to know -

Better Filtration

If you want to protect your throat and lungs from harsh smoke, opting for water-based glass smoking pipes is the safest bet. Several creative pipe manufacturers install filters on their glass pipes. Commonly, these filters are called ‘percolators.’ They filter out quite a lot of carcinogens. If you add up these carcinogens, per inhalation, you get a much safer version of the smoke. Hence, new smokers who use these pipes are much less prone to getting lung diseases such as bronchitis, shortness of breath, and even lung cancer. However, there’s always a risk of these diseases whenever you smoke. So, you must use your smoking pipes in moderation. Or else, you won’t be able to make the most of the health benefits these glass pipes offer.

The Need for Cleaning

A slight disadvantage of using water-based glass smoking pipes is that you need to clean it regularly. If you use your glass pipes for a long time without cleaning, the harmful residue will buildup. If you smoke tobacco from cigarettes, the nature of this residue is far worse. For marijuana smokers (especially people who only smoke flowers), the effect is less harmful. But, not cleaning your glass pipe regularly essentially null and voids its inherent filtering qualities. New smokers need to inculcate a habit of cleaning their glass pipes after every smoking session.


People use smoking pipes because they are diverse. You get a lot of design and material options when shopping for glass smoking pipes. Although your choice should be primarily based on your taste, choose one that offers enhanced filtering mechanisms. If you want convenience in terms of transportability, you can opt for glass bubblers that can fit in the palm of your hand. In terms of material, avoid glass pipes that contain lead paint. Although pipes with lead paint designs may look appealing to the eye, they have harmful long-term health implications. Instead, opt for plain borosilicate pipes. Borosilicate is a sturdy material that is easy to clean.

Warm Water Benefits

One of the main reasons why the smoke from water-based glass pipes does not irritate the throat as much as cigarettes, or roll up joints, is because warm water gets rid of a lot of the bacteria present in the smoke. Plus, the smoke from these pipes is much milder. Also, glass pipes don’t feature any of the harmful substances that aluminum or plastic pipes contain. So, be a responsible smoker and always opt for water-based glass pipes! To read more Click Here

Tuesday, June 2, 2020

Why You Should Choose Smoking Pipes

For several smokers across the world, the pipe they choose is one of the significant factors to consider, especially for connoisseurs. Moreover, the convenience of smoking from the pipe is another thing they should remember. You can choose from different categories of pipes that vary for smoking weed or hash. However, the conventional Smoking Pipes appeals to several smokers, whether they smoke tobacco or marijuana. When you take a puff from a water pipe, the smoke undergoes filtration and cooling before enjoying it. If you have had experience smoking from a joint, you are more likely to know how hot it is and the way it irritates your lungs. Both advanced and beginners can smoke with the help of a water pipe.

Easy Maintenance

It is not just the comfort of smoking that makes the Water Pipes accessible. The water pipe is not that difficult to maintain if you know how to clean it properly. Be sure to change the water in the reservoir or the vase after each use. Initially, the water can become cloudy or smoky due to the remnants inside, making you feel uncomfortable. Therefore, you should focus on using clean water and ensuring that every part of the pipe is clean before using it for smoking. Using soap to clean the pipe is the best solution, although some people use the dishwasher for cleaning their pipes. When vouching for low maintenance, you are sure to note the easy of it.

The Convenience of Using Pipes

When it comes to the convenience of using Smoking Pipes, you will have more reason to use it than the dry pipes. Using the water pipe is rather simple as it contains four essential parts that coordinate with each other to make smoking more enjoyable. All you need to do is disassemble the water pipe and fill the vase with adequate water before placing the shaft on it. For bowls with holes, you need to use a nugget to cover them correctly. You are now ready to put your lips at the end of the hose and light it with a fire source. Gradually, you can enjoy the feeling of relaxation as you take your puffs. If you are looking forward to making smoking more enjoyable, the water pipe is one of the best choices for smokers.

Appealing to Your Eyes

When you nourish your habit of smoking, Water Pipes can appeal to your eyes. Undoubtedly, smoking is a habit of relaxation and what better than the beautiful appearance of a water pipe to meet your needs. Furthermore, you can get them at different prices. All you need is to analyze the pipes' rates in the online stores for the best buy.

Using a Traditional Pipe

If you smoke from a traditional water pipe, you can mix hash or weed with tobacco and smoke it with hot coals, instead of fire, to enjoy the feeling. Apart from this, you can enjoy smoking for several hours from the pipe and nourish the passion. Moreover, the bubbling noise when you take the hit adds to the pleasure.