Sunday, September 25, 2022

Different Types of Bongs And Their Benefits

If you are already a regular marijuana smoker, you would probably know how bongs work. But, if you are new to this world, you should know about the different types of bongs and their benefits. Among all, beaker bongs are the most popular bongs for smoking.

What are bongs?

A bong is a pipe used for smoking cured and dried marijuana. It contains more capacity and comes with a special filter to ensure a smoother and cooler smoking experience.

Bongs are made with different types of materials.


The most popular material used for making bongs, including beaker bongs is glass. As glass is chemically inert, it does not change the flavor of the smoke. As glass is transparent, it is easy to monitor the resin buildup. Glass is easy to clean. The reason some smokers hesitate to buy glass bongs is the price. Glass bongs are more expensive than other materials. Glass bongs are delicate, so they must be handled with care.


After glass, beaker bongs made with plastic are the most popular. Plastic bongs are preferred by many because of their durability. Even if you drop plastic bongs, they do not break into pieces. They are cheaper than other materials. When you want to smoke on the go, plastic bongs are the best choice because they do not crack or break easily like ceramic or glass. But the downside of using plastic bongs is the alteration of flavor. Plastic bongs may alter the taste of the smoke.


Ceramic bongs are robust and heavier. They may not be the best choice if you are using them on the go. Moreover, ceramic is a fragile material, so ceramic beaker bongs are not the right choice when you are traveling. Ceramic bongs are more expensive than the plastic ones. They are used on special occasions and are sometimes bought as a collector’s item.


Bamboo bongs have existed for ages. They can range from the most basic to fancy and ornate. Bamboo bongs decorated with metal, paints, and varnish are not only used for smoking, but smokers buy them as collectible items.


Metal is highly durable and cheap. So, metal bongs are also preferred by smokers. But, the downside of metal bongs is that they can alter the flavor of the smoke.
Bongs are available in different designs.

•    Straight-tube bongs - They have the simplest design. The tube has a stem on one end and a bowl at the other. The weed is kept in the bowl and a bit of water is put in the tube before the weed is combusted.
•    Beaker bongs - They are the same as straight-tube bongs but the base looks like a beaker. They are more stable than straight-tube bongs.
•    Round-base bongs - The base is wide and round shaped. It is more stable.
•    Percolator bongs - They are also called bubbler bong. They can be round-based, a straight-tube, or a beaker bong, but come with a percolator. A percolator helps in dissipating the smoke before it goes through water and ensures better cooling and filtering. For more information visit here: Tank Glass