Monday, September 21, 2020

Understanding And Building A Mini Water Pipe

 Our bodies protest a lot against our smoking habits. However, our unquenchable thirst for the pleasure that comes from smoking a nice mini water pipe eventually wins these battles. Don’t worry! Avid water pipe smokers know which plants and herbs are least harmful, and they enjoy the pleasures of smoking while taking care of their long-term health. What they don’t know is that there are ways to regulate the volume of inhaled smoke with each toke. You can also add other features such as cooling and filtration to your mini water pipes. Here are some amazing things you can achieve by customizing your mini water pipe.

Understanding Water Pipes

People have been using wooden water pipes for centuries. Every culture involved in smoking tobacco has unique and sometimes high-tech versions of mini water pipes. The modern-day mini water pipe is still very simple to use. The pipes that come with advanced cleaning features are worth purchasing. These cleaning features make it easy for the user to clear his pipe’s chambers. Remove the brown residue and your water pipe’s as good as new. Always look for sellers who have a track record or history with mini water pipes. The subtle engineering details are very important for the pipe as they dictate the volume of smoke inhaled, the air accumulation inside the pipe, etc.

Can You Build Your Own Mini Water Pipe?

It’s not hard carving a water pipe from a bamboo shoot or a piece of wood. Creating a meticulously designed mini water pipe with glass takes professional-level expertise. But, don’t let your craft skills kill your dream of creating customized, functional smoking devices. The two key ingredients are desire and availability of supplies.

Calculating the Perfect Smoke Volume for Smooth Inhalation

Our lungs cannot hold more than six liters of air. If you’re breathing while laying down and your lungs reach this capacity, you’ll feel extremely sick. So, the way that you use your mini water pipe is essential. The pipe’s volume must be well below the six-liter limit. Calculating the volume of your water pipe is simple. Your mini water pipe is a cylindrically shaped object. To calculate the volume of air that’s safe for easy inhalation, you need to multiply the square of your mini water pipe’s radius with pi (π = 3.14) and multiply that product with its height. Now, correspond the measurements of the pipe with the prescribed smoke volume.  

Setting Up Your Custom Pipe

Always store all removable pieces with the pipe. Clean it with water after and before each smoking session. Never rush into a smoking session. Check the water levels, smoke inhalation, etc. for the first few minutes. Use a lighter to ensure the pipe’s bowl is properly lit. Improper lighting can ruin your smoking experience, leaving you with a bad taste in your mouth. Inhale slowly and smoke as less frequently as possible. However, you can smoke for continuous periods reusing your bowl. Make sure to carefully clean the bowl of any tobacco residue or stains. For more information visit here: Tank Glass

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