Monday, November 16, 2020

4 Facts About The Popular Beaker Bongs

Those of you who are famous in your friends' circle as a passionate smoker must be true lovers of weed or tobacco. But if you love to smoke, you must also have a vast knowledge of the various styles of smoking. A passionate smoker is never an addict. Rather, you must love the experience when the essence of the weed gradually enters your throat, and then you start to feel lightheaded. For regular smokers, dry joints are the preferred option. But unless you try smoking with a Beaker Bong once, you will not know how good it feels. Here are some facts which will help you to understand the beauty of these bongs.

Filtration is good

As all smokers know, smoking is never good for your health. So, preserving your health as much as possible, in spite of smoking, is the goal. The water present in those Beaker Bongs plays the role of a filtration medium. There are many harmful particles in the smoke, some of which are even carcinogenic. Water will filter out most of the particles, and make the smoke free from those harmful particles, to some extent. So, the beaker bong would be a better piece of equipment to smoke with. While smoking tobacco, the water holds back all the toxic substances, and the smoke is the pure flavor of tobacco.

Smooth experience

If you are going to try smoking weed for the first time, you might not even like the hard hit of the hot smoke while smoking a dry joint. Instead, try your first puff from a Beaker Bong. The water cools down the smoke but does not affect the essence of the weed. So, what you inhale is a cool, but strong aroma of the weed, which will give you the smoothest experience. The burning sensation often discourages people from smoking cannabis, even if the person wants to. A beaker bong is the ultimate solution for you in that case.

Customizing the smoke

Of course, you are wondering how is customizing my smoke possible? Well, all thanks to Beaker Bongs, you can do that now, right from your home. Just buy some flavors and add them in drops to the water. When the smoke of the weed passes through the water, it will absorb the flavor essence. The smoke entering your throat will not taste of raw weed, but there will be of some sort of flavor that you like. The setup is easy, so you do not have to put in any extra effort.

A valuable asset

For ardent smokers, the beaker bong is an asset. Manufacturers have been trying for a long time to come up with artistic ideas that would also enhance the smoking experience. The glass artwork that you would notice on many bongs is beyond appreciation. You can even keep one to decorate the interior of the living room. You can buy vintage pipes also, which are expensive, and add much glamor to the indoor area. For more information visit here: APG Packaging

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