Tuesday, December 29, 2020

Know The Cost of A Glass Water Pipe Before Buying One

 If you do a market survey, you will find that smoking in general, and smoking pipes or bongs specifically, has seen an exponential increase in the last 10 years. Due to this current trend, new artisans and manufacturers are mushrooming all over the circuit. There are newcomers in the market, who are yet to establish their quality. You can also find others, who may have been around for quite some time, but they are duds or damp squibs in comparison. There are Glass Water Pipe brands that you can consider reliable. These brands offer great value per dollar. You have some understated brands and some are very popular and flashy.

On the cost

One big advantage of a Glass Water Pipe is that they are predominantly the least expensive product for smoking in comparison with dab rigs or bongs. The main reason is that glass pipes contain a lesser amount of glass than the bigger products. You do have some costly glass hand pipes on the market, especially the artistic ones and hand-blown devices. You will find that the ones blown by hands are the artisan pipes. They have a myriad of designs and can sometimes be costlier than the average oil rig or bong. The main reason is that the design and blowing process is extremely delicate and intricate.

More on the cost factor

Notwithstanding the unique properties of an artsy Glass Water Pipe, if you want an excellent smoking device, you can expect to dish anything between $9.99-$25 for a pipe that’s both functional and basic. You will find that a $25 pipe will last for quite a long time. The durability depends on how you take care of it. Maintenance is the key here. If you’ve a penchant for unique designs and artistic creations, you may need to spend a little more. Those pipes are well above $25.

The costlier paraphernalia

For an elite Glass Water Pipe, you can find plenty of options and smoking devices. You may need to pay more than $90-$100. Depending on the build or design, it could cost you even $300-$350. There are people who look for collector’s items. They want pipes that are one-of-a-kind and those that do not entail mass production. These people look for the rarest of the rare materials. You can find custom glass pipes that fall in the $100-$200 segment. However, if you’re not particular with the brand, you may end up paying more than the concerned amount. You can still get gallery-level quality and the pipes can also serve as stunning conversation pieces.

Using a steamroller

Once such intricate and beautiful glass water pipe is the steamroller. They are comprised of a tube and bowl on one side. Each side of the pipe entails an opening. The bowl’s end serves as the carburetor. Some steamrollers contain an additional chamber for you to roll out the smoke. It ensures more cooling. Either way, this pipe produces a fast, powerful hit that has a knack of steamrolling you if you are not prepared to take the heat. Presaging this backdrop, you must not recommend steamrollers for the rookie smokers or first timers. For more information visit here: Tank Glass

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