Wednesday, September 29, 2021

Know The Right Tips To Ensure An Optimal Performance With Beaker Bongs

It’s always imperative to grind the weed or herb inside the bong before inhaling the smoke. Apart from increasing the surface area where the herb is burned, and not just igniting the exterior of the weed nuggets, it results in more smoke and more lit surface. That’s how you burn more flowers in Beaker Bongs and inhale more smoke. It creates an overall smoother smoking session. It only takes a couple of minutes to grind up your weed. You don’t need to plop a chunk inside the bowl to achieve a bigger hit. It’s important to fill the base with water. After grinding, this crucial step can make or break any smoking session.

The importance of the process

The water plays the role of a filter. It cools the smoke and ensures a cleaner and smoother smoke. The first step is to remove the bowl and fill the base with water. If you’re using an elementary, single bong, or a chamber bong, you might just want to fill it somewhat close to the brim. In Beaker Bongs, the water level should be enough to encompass the bowl’s downstem. However, don’t get it too high, as it can result in a splash back. You don’t want that to happen at any cost. There’s nothing more disastrous as taking a big rip just to get smoke filled water splashing on your face.

Filling and packing

If you’re using Beaker Bongs with a percolator, the process will be slightly different. Your first step will be to use the bong’s top hole for filing the body with water. You can then fill the main water chamber through the downstem. If your percolator has an ice catcher, just add ice into the chamber after filling it with water. Keep an empty cup beside you to empty some water in the event of the ice melting. It will eventually melt, and you need to funnel the water out. It takes some practice to fill it up to the optimal level of water, but you will get it right with time.

Taking a hit

After cleaning your Beaker Bongs and filling them with fresh water, it’s time to smoke. Fill the bowl with the flower you just grinded. Replace the bowl’s downstem and just grab a lighter. If your water pipe entails a carb, you need to cover it with your finger as you light the herb and fill the chamber/tunnel with smoke. All you must do is place your mouth over the chamber’s top. Use your lips at the chamber opening to form a seal.

The last process

As you light the herb or weed inside the bowl, inhale the smoke gently. Let it pass through the chamber and take light hits. Uncover the concerned carb or lift the bowl’s downstem to inhale the smoke. Repeat the process for clearing the bong. If you want to remove the stem, do it in a gradual process as it helps in controlling the smoke. It’s also easier on your health, especially the lungs. For more information visit here: Tank Glass

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