Sunday, January 16, 2022

Unique Features of Bubblers & Spoon Shaped Smoking Pipes

In yesteryears, long pipes made of bamboo, wood and clay were used in order to smoke cannabis. A variety of materials have been used over the years to manufacture smoking pipes for weed or marijuana. The design of these pipes has also changed over the years. Thus, you will find different types of pipes for smoking cannabis on the market. Some pipes will fit inside your palm, and some will have to be placed on the table. You will also notice a variation in the manufacturing material of these smoking pipes. Today, the pipes used for smoking marijuana are not only being made of wood or bamboo. The majority of the smoking pipes are being made of glass or silicone.

Smoking pipes made of borosilicate glass are not as brittle as the utensils made of conventional glass. This variety of glass contains boron trioxide along with silica which reduces the fragility of the borosilicate glass. Borosilicate glass has a low coefficient ratio of thermal expansion. It does not crack despite the fluctuation in temperature due to this reason. The durability of borosilicate glass makes it ideal for the manufacturing of smoking pipes. Therefore, you will find a large variety of smoking pipes made of colorful glass.

Borosilicate glass is being used to manufacture different types of smoking pipes for marijuana, such as spoon pipes, bubblers, chillum, blunts and bongs. Smoking pipes that look like a spoon are known as ‘spoon pipes’. You will find these smoking pipes in bright colors. The handle and the bowl of the spoon pipes are available in varying sizes. Therefore, you have the opportunity to select a spoon pipe based upon your unique needs.

In spoon-shaped smoking pipes with a large bowl, you can place a screen inside the bowl. This screen is used to filter the smoke and to enhance the experience of smoking. These days, you may find ceramic or glass screens alongside being able to find the metal screens. You are saved from inhaling the metal fume if you use a ceramic or glass screen instead of using a metal screen.

The bubbler is another variety of pipe that is used to smoke cannabis. The majority of the bubblers are made glass. However, ceramic is also being used to manufacture the bubblers as well as spoon pipes these days. The smoking pipes made of ceramic look like the glass pipes. However, ceramic is less breakable than the glass. Therefore, the durability of the ceramic pipes is higher than the glass pipes. This type of smoking pipe is fitted with a water reservoir. The bowl and the mouthpiece are located at the opposite sides of the reservoir. The smoke loses the heat alongside losing some of the impurities when it passes through the water. Thus, you can have larger hits without experiencing any irritation at the throat. For more information visit here: Tank Glass

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