Sunday, April 17, 2022

Things You Should Know About Water Pipe Bongs

If you don’t find a water pipe bong in a smoking aficionado’s room, know that they’re not truly a smoking aficionado. Smokers worth their tobacco know that there is hardly any device that gives a smoking experience as good as a water pipe bong. While we all know that bongs are an instant hit among smokers, there are some cool facts about them that you probably didn’t know. From the origin of the water pipe bong to how it works - there’s a lot to know. Let’s have a look at some really interesting facts about water pipe bongs that will make you admire your bong even more.

Where did water bong pipe come from?

Did you know that it was some 2,400 years ago that the first bong was made? It is believed that the origin of the word ‘bong’ comes from the Thai word ‘baung’, which refers to a device that is used to smoke. In primitive times, bongs used to be made of bamboo or dried gourd. In order to achieve designs that are more intricate, they would use stones and metals. The water pipe bong that we know today, is the modernized version of the thousand-year-old tradition that takes its roots from several ancient traditions of the world.

Why are they considered safer?

One of the best qualities of water pipe bongs is that they reduce the smoke temperature. This in turn makes it much easier for you to inhale the smoke. With traditional means of smoking, the smoke becomes intensely heated, and it hurts the back of the throat, burning the inner nasal passages. There are some smokers who have become accustomed to this unpleasant feeling, but most smokers seek a more pleasant option. With the water pipe bong, the smoke loses the heat because it passes through a bowl of water giving you a pleasurable smoking experience. This is one of the major reasons why most people prefer water pipe bongs.

Can they be customized?

Water bong pipes give you a range of options when it comes to a customizable smoking experience, which is not possible with traditional smoking. With endless options in the market to choose from, you can go for the substance of your liking to smoke from your bong. Water pipe bongs also let you add flavor to the substance that you are smoking. You can make a simple tobacco taste like any flavor you desire by simply adding a couple of drops of your chosen flavor to the water. Be it watermelon, apple, or candy cane, the market is full of flavor options that make your smoking experience enhanced.

How cost-effective are they?

One of the best things about water pipe bongs is they can be set up very easily, and they’re also very easy to handle. Water pipes, compared to any other delivery device which is available on the market, are extremely user-friendly. You do not have to buy extra tubes, batteries, or papers. It’s a one-time purchase, and all it requires is a little cleaning every now and then. The best part is that they come in a host of various styles, colors, and shapes. A nice water bong with a beautiful design, and a great smoking experience, is quite the conversation starter at any gathering. For more information visit here: Tank Glass

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