Monday, August 22, 2022

Comparative Analysis Between Smoking Pipes With Acrylic And Vulcanite Stems

Pipe smokers are always a friendly lot and like to discuss the new Smoking Pipes available on the market. Debates arise when there are options for the materials in use for making these pipes. For instance, there has been a long-term debate on whether acrylic is the best material for the stem or vulcanite. Continue reading if you are interested to know more about the differences between the two types and may think of trying the options sometime in the future. Here, you will get a detailed explanation of both types.

Pipes with vulcanite stems

Vulcanite is basically a form of natural rubber that undergoes heat and sulfur treatment to attain a hard texture and higher durability. You may say that the product is the outcome of an accidental case that happened while experimenting on how to increase the lifespan of rubber. The material has now become the favorite of the manufacturers of Smoking Pipes as these are serving well as the stem of the pipes. Being the product of heat treatment, they won't undergo any deformation or damage owing to the heating up of the stem as you smoke. If you have trouble detecting the material, you can use a flashlight on the stem. If the light does not pass through, it's vulcanite.

Pipes with an acrylic stem

Acrylic, on the other hand, is a durable plastic material. It shows high resistance to scratches and corrosion. Acrylic is a broad term having various patented brand names under the umbrella. From dental prosthetics to the drum, you can nowadays find the material everywhere, not to forget the stem of the modern Smoking Pipes. The material is also safe as it does not injure anyone around even if it breaks accidentally for some critical reasons. On projecting a flashlight on the acrylic stem, the light will pass through.

Comparing durability

If you don’t take care of the vulcanite mouthpieces, the material will be prone to quick oxidization. It will happen more when you expose the pipe to air, light, and the enzymes present in your saliva. Don't be surprised to see the quick discoloration that will also change the color and smell of the neck. But acrylic won't undergo oxidization which makes it the ideal stem material for Smoking Pipes. It will minimize the need for pipe maintenance on a regular basis. When you stay and plan to showcase your collection in an oxygen-rich environment, you must pick the ones with the acrylic stem.

Comfort level

Smoking is all about enjoying the experience. if you are not comfortable as you draw in the smoke from the pipe, you are not going to enjoy the process. For the clenchers, vulcanite is the best option as these are always softer on the teeth. But the constituency of vulcanite resembles that of glass. Although the process of making it is the same, the comfort level of using the two will vary depending on the nature and lifestyle of the individual smoker. For more information visit here: Tank Glass

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